(a)   All combustible material, such as rags, scrap excelsior, hair, paper, moss, cotton, burlap and upholstery material, when loose and stored in junk yards, shall be kept at least thirty-five feet from any building or structure in bins of metal or metal-lined wood having self-closing or automatic covers, or in a fireproof structure at least twenty-five feet from any dwellings.
   (b)   When loose and stored in a building, such combustible material shall be kept in bins of metal or metal-lined wood with self-closing or automatic covers.
   (c)   No more than two tons of combustible material shall be allowed to remain in any junk yard or place where junk is stored.
   (d)   Scrap paper and rags shall be baled each week. Before baling they shall be well sorted to insure the exclusion of matches, oily and greasy paper, rags and waste.
   (e)   Scrap stock stored in a building shall be kept at least eighteen inches below all ceilings and shall be piled so as not to interfere with the fire doors and so as to maintain adequate aisles.
   (f)   Storage in the open of packing cases, boxes, barrels or other similar combustible containers shall be in piles not more than twenty feet in height and such piles shall be at least thirty-five feet from any building. All storage shall be in a compact and orderly manner.
   (g)   Insulation to be burned off junk copper or other wire and rubber to be burned off vehicle rims shall be burned in approved furnaces.
   (h)   Oily rags and waste shall be kept in standard waste cans of heavy galvanized steel having four-inch legs and self-closing covers and shall be removed from the building each night.
   (i)   Waste oil shall be stored out of doors in closed metal barrels not less than thirtyfive feet from any building.
   (j)   Sawdust and all other combustible absorbents shall not be used on the grounds or floors of junk yards or buildings.
   (k)   In buildings where combustible junk material is stored, a two and one-half gallon fire extinguisher shall be installed for each 2, 000 square feet of floor space or fraction thereof. The fire extinguisher must be charged and maintained at all times ready for instant use.
(Ord. 1001. Passed 7-21-41.)