816.01   PROHIBITED.
   No person shall practice within the City, whether for a price or gratuity, by offer or upon request, the vocation, profession or art of fortuneteller, clairvoyant, spirit medium, necromancer, seer, astrologist, palmist, prophet or other occult art, art of divination or pretended art, of telling past events of another person's life or affairs; of revealing things of the past or the future of a secret or hidden nature; of giving advice or assistance in matters of business or affairs of any other kind or nature by means of such art; or of purporting to tell, foretell, reveal or give advice or assistance by means of such art. The maintenance, display, posting or advertisement, or the causing to be maintained, displayed, posted or advertised, of any sign, card, bill or announcement indicating the pursuit or practice of such vocation, profession or art or indicating an offer to render service in such pursuit or practice shall, upon proof thereof, be sufficient evidence against the person so maintaining, displaying, posting or advertising, or causing the same to be done, of a violation of this chapter. Nothing herein shall be construed to make unlawful the foregoing as part of any theatrical performance or entertainment open to the public upon the payment of regular admission charge.
(Ord. 1290. Passed 6-7-54.)