(a)   The applicable provisions of this traffic code apply to the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles, except that no person shall operate a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle as follows:
      (1)   On any state highway, including a limited access highway or freeway or the right-of-way thereof, except for emergency travel during such time and in such manner as the Ohio Director of Public Safety designates or except as authorized by R.C. § 4519.41(F);
      (2)   No person shall drive or operate any snowmobile or all-purpose vehicle upon lands belonging to or occupied by another without having in his immediate possession written permission therefor from the legal owner, his agent, or lawful occupant of said real property; and said written permission must be exhibited to a police officer upon request or it will be presumed that said authorization does not exist and that said person is in violation of this chapter.
      (3)   On any land or waters controlled by the State, except at those locations where a sign has been posted permitting such operation;
      (4)   On the tracks or right-of-way of any operating railroad;
      (5)   While transporting any firearm, bow or other implement for hunting, that is not unloaded and securely encased;
      (6)   For the purpose of chasing, pursuing, capturing or killing any animal or wild fowl; or
      (7)   During the time from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, unless displaying lighted lights as required in Section 476.02.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 408.01.
(Ord. 14-01. Passed 8-13-01.)