Village of East Palestine employees will be reimbursed for allowable expenses incurred while performing official Village of East Palestine business. Expenses will not be reimbursed unless prior authorization is secured from the Village Manager or his designee. Reimbursement for expenses may be requested by Village employees: reimbursement for actual expenses incurred (cost-reimbursement).
   (a)   Meals.
      (1)   Employees shall be reimbursed for meals under the following stipulations and reimbursement rates:
Time Leaving
Time Returning
Prior to 6:00 a.m.
After 10:00 a.m.
Prior to 10:00 a.m.
After 2:00 p.m.
Prior to 3:00 p.m.
After 7:00 p.m.
      (2)   For the time period in which an employee is on travel status for a continuous twenty-four hour period of time, an employee shall be reimbursed at a rate as set forth above. Meals covered under conference or registration fee shall not be eligible for reimbursement.
   (b)   Cost Reimbursement. Reimbursements shall be made for travel expenses for actual expenses incurred. Receipts must be attached to the reimbursement request forms justifying the reimbursable amounts. These reimbursements shall be as follows:
      (1)   The following items are reimbursable:
         A.   Commercial air flights. Reimbursement is available for air flight expenses only when the cost of the flight is less than the cost of automobile mileage, or where travel time is of significance.
         B.   Bus, limousine, or taxi. Employees are to use the most economical means available when traveling on Village of East Palestine business.
         C.   Automobile. Whenever possible, the employee on travel status will use a Village of East Palestine vehicle for travel to and from meetings, conferences, and conventions. If a Village of East Palestine vehicle is not available and an employee is required to use his or her privately owned vehicle, he shall be reimbursed at a rate of the current Internal Revenue Service allowable rate per mile for travel. Such payment is considered to be the total reimbursement for all vehicle-related expenses (e.g., gas, oil, depreciation, etc.). Mileage reimbursement is payable to only one of two or more employees traveling on the same trip, in the same vehicle. Rental of a vehicle is not reimbursable without prior approval of the Village Manager.
         D.   Registration fees. Registration fees will, whenever possible, be paid in advance by the Village of East Palestine upon presentation of an invoice, notice or registration form.
         E.   Meals. If meal expenses are included in registration fees, duplicate meals are not reimbursable. Reasonable expenses incurred for meals while on official Village of East Palestine business are reimbursable.
         F.   Lodging. Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary lodging expenses at the single room rate.
         G.   Phone Calls. Phone calls necessary for official Village of East Palestine business are reimbursable.
          H.   Parking and Tolls. Expenses for parking, highway, bridge and tunnel tolls are reimbursable. Parking expenses include parking outside the Village of East Palestine providing the employee is on official Village of East Palestine business.
      (2)   The following items are not subject to reimbursement:
         A.   Alcoholic beverages.
         B.   Entertainment.
         C.   Laundry and dry cleaning.
         D.   Room Service charges.
         E.   Expenses of spouse traveling with employee.
      (3)   Expense reports shall be filed by employees detailing all costs with receipts attached.
(Ord. 9-00. Passed 3-13-00; Ord. 28-2015. Passed 12-28-15.)