(a)   There shall be an earnest and honest effort to settle differences between employees and their supervisor promptly. If differences arise between an employee or a group of employees and management with respect to ordinances, written orders, manuals, rights, obligations or liabilities, then such differences shall be handled as follows:
      (1)   Step one. The employee, or an employee representing a group of employees, will present the grievance to an immediate supervisor for disposition. This will be done within three working days of the time the employee or employees become aware of the alleged grievance. The supervisor shall reply to the aggrieved employee within three working days after such grievance has been presented to him or her. If the aggrieved employee or employees do not escalate the grievance to the second step of this procedure within three working days after receipt of the decision rendered in this step, it shall be considered to be satisfactorily resolved.
      (2)   Step two. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction, the grievance shall be presented, in writing, together with all correspondence, to the Manager. Within five working days after receiving the grievance, the Manager will reply to the employee or employees as to his or her decision. All decisions of the Manager are final, except those under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission or the bargaining unit's arbitration procedures.
   (b)   This grievance procedure will not apply to matters of reduction in pay, involuntary discharge, demotion or suspension. There is a separate appeal process under the Civil Service Commission to handle these problems.
(Ord. 30-93. Passed 1-10-94.)