246.16   INSURANCE.
   (a)   Life Insurance.
      (1)   All full-time employees, part-time firemen, part-time dispatch, part-time auxiliary police and EMTs are currently covered by a term life insurance policy provided by the village.
      (2)   Coverage is effective the first of the month following the date of employment and continues until the employee leaves the Village's employment, the employee moves to an employee class which is not eligible for this benefit, or the policy is discontinued completely by the Village for some reason. Termination under the policies shall be determined when premium payments for such employee's insurance are discontinued.
      (3)   Specific benefits and terms of the policy are provided for each new full-time employee, part-time dispatch, part-time police part-time firemen and EMTs by the Finance Office. Additional copies are available in the Finance Office. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep information on file related to this policy up-to-date as to name, address, and beneficiary(s). Additional information concerning life insurance is available through the Finance Office.
   (b)   Medical Insurance.
      (1)   The Village of East Palestine offers to all regular full-time employees, and all eligible dependents group medical insurance through Ohio Public Entities Consortium (OPEC-HC). Coverage becomes effective the first day of the month following the date of employment. Specific benefits of both plans are described in insurance brochures provided to each new employee by the Finance Office. Benefits will terminate 30 days after the employee leaves Village employment. If the employee is laid off, coverage will continue for up to 90 days. In addition, benefits terminate 60 days after employee is unable to report for work and has exhausted all sick and vacation leave.
      (2)   All full-time employees of the Village are eligible for whatever optical benefits may be provided through the regular group medical program. Employees covered under the plan should follow the benefit procedures as described in the plan contract.
      (3)   Enrollment. Enrollment cards should be completed in the following instances:
         A.   New employees beginning service with the Village.
         B.   Employees wanting to add an eligible dependent.
         C.   Employees who want to drop a dependent.
         Enrollment cards are available from the Finance Office. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Finance Director or Clerk of any changes in dependent status by completing updated enrollment cards. Upon termination of employment, with the Village, the employee may elect to continue medical coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (R.L. 99-272) (COBRA). The Finance Department provides eligible employees with information on COBRA.
      (4)   All employees shall contribute 10% of a single premium per month toward their insurance.
      (5)   All full-time employees may elect to waive their hospitalization insurance benefits for their qualified dependents, if insurance coverage is available through spouse. (See Ordinance No. 24-98) (See ordinance 7-2010)
      (6)   The Village will reimburse the employee for their deductible. Employees must submit EOB or bill to Ohio Insurance Services for reimbursement.
      (7)   Part-time employee coverage.
         A.   The Village, as obligated under the Federal Affordable Care Act, shall offer minimum medical coverage to part-time employees averaging over thirty hours of employment per week. The Village shall offer to permanent part-time employees medical coverage only. Permanent part- time employees who elect coverage shall contribute ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per month towards the cost of the coverage, provided that the employee contribution shall not exceed nine and one-half percent of each employee's gross monthly income. No consideration shall be provided by the Village to part time employees who waive coverage.
         B.   The Village Manager and Finance Director are hereby authorized to take all necessary actions to offer and institute the medical coverage only, for permanent part-time employees. Employees accepting coverage shall contribute ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per month towards the cost of the coverage, provided that the employee contribution shall not exceed nine and one-half percent of each employee's gross monthly income.
         C.   The Village Manager and Finance Director shall establish a stability period, as permitted by the Affordable Care Act and the rules there under, to determine the Village's obligation, if any, to provide minimum medical coverage to seasonal employees.
(Ord. 30-93. Passed 1-10-94; Ord. 26-2008. Passed 12-8-08; Ord. 28-2015. Passed 12-28-15; Res. 21-2017. Passed 12-11-17.)