(a)   The Division of Water and Sewer shall be operated by the following employees, whose wages shall be paid from the following funds:
      (1)   A Superintendent, whose duties shall be part of the Manager's job.
      (2)   A State licensed operator or operators.
      (3)   A Water Foreman, whose wages shall be paid 100 percent from the Water Fund.
      (4)   City crew members, whose wages shall be paid from either the Sewer Fund or the Water Fund, as the individual job may indicate.
   (b)   The State licensed operators shall be classified as Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 disposal plant license holders, whose wages shall be payable 100 percent from the Sewer Fund.
      (1)   Any employee in the Department of Public Service who receives a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 license shall meet the requirements for said license, as provided by the laws and regulations of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and as further designated to be qualified by the Manager and/or the Superintendent of Public Service, pursuant to standards set by said officials.
      (2)   Said Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 license holders shall perform such duties as are imposed upon them by the laws of the State of Ohio.
      (3)   Upon satisfactory completion of the course, all expenses incurred for fees, books, tests, permits or any water or wastewater license, shall be paid for by the City, with prior approval of the Manager.
(Adopting Ordinance; Ord. 30-93. Passed 1-10-94.)