Section 7.07   Planning Commission - Membership.
   The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) persons appointed by the Mayor-President of Council with the advice and consent of the Council. The terms of the members of the Planning Commission shall be five (5) years; except that the term of one (1) of the members of the first Planning Commission appointed pursuant to this Charter shall be for one (1) year, one (1) for two (2) years, one (1) for three (3) years, one (1) for four (4) years, and one (1) for five (5) years, and thereafter, each member shall be appointed for a term of five (5) years, and shall continue in office until his successor is appointed.
   The Manager and a member of the Council designated by the Mayor-President of Council as Council representative to the Planning Commission shall serve as non-voting members of the Commission in an advisory capacity, and shall attend all meetings of the Commission. The Council representative to the Planning Commission shall be designated as such by the Mayor-President of Council at the organizational meeting of the Council in each year, and shall serve in such capacity until the next organizational meeting of the Council or his term of office expires, whichever first occurs.