§ 6-702. Loitering in Public Places.
   1.   No person shall loiter in a public place, as defined above, in such a manner so as to:
      A.   Obstruct any public street, public sidewalk, public bridge (foot or vehicle) or public building by hindering or impeding or tending to hinder or impede the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles or pedestrians.
      B.   Create or cause to be created any annoyance to the comfort and repose of any person any person or persons.
      C.   Create or cause to be created a danger of a breach of the peace or otherwise engage in disorderly conduct such as by making unreasonable noise, engaging in tumultuous behavior, using profane language or creating a physically offensive condition that causes or is likely to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm.
      D.   Obstruct, molest or interfere with any person lawfully in any public place. This subsection shall include the making of unsolicited remarks of an offensive, disgusting or insulting nature, or which are calculated to annoy or disturb the person to or in whose hearing they are made.
   2.   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit peaceful picketing or free speech, provided that such picketing does not obstruct free and uninterrupted passage of vehicles or pedestrians.
(Ord. 936, 11/10/2016, §2)