§ 6-403. Violation and Penalty.
   Any policeman, constable, or peace officer is hereby authorized to arrest any such minor violating any of the provisions of §6-401 and for the first violation to take such child to East McKeesport Borough building and notify his parents or guardians of such violation and issue a citation for violation of the provisions of this Part, said parents or guardians, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each date that the violation of this Part continues shall constitute as a separate offense. If said minor cannot be controlled, he or she shall be placed in some reformatory institution of this Borough or State or referred to the juvenile authorities of Allegheny County for further charges.
(Ord. 588, 8/19/1969, §3; as amended by Ord. 828, 6/12/2003, §1; and by Ord. 867, 10/11/2007, §1)