1. The Borough shall provide for the collection of all Borough waste from individual residences, multi-family residences and apartment buildings, or it may contract with a private collector or collectors to provide this essential service.
A. All Borough waste save for bulk waste shall be collected at least once per week. Bulk waste shall be collected following prior arrangement with the Borough's collector and payments of any required special fees.
B. Collection schedules shall be published regularly by the Borough or its contracted hauler.
2. All individual residences, multi-family residences and apartments buildings must utilize the Borough waste collection service provided by the Borough. Only with the approval of the Borough may any person contract with a private hauler to provide independent waste collection.
3. All commercial, institutional, public and industrial lunchroom and office waste containing garbage shall be collected at least once per week. Rubbish collection from these sources shall be made as often as necessary to control the health hazards, odors, insects, rodents and unsightly conditions. The Borough reserves the right to require more frequent collection when deemed necessary.
4. Residential collection schedules shall be published regularly by the Borough or its contracted hauler.
5. All solid waste collection activity shall be conducted from Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. unless prior approval or any exception has been granted by the Borough. No collection, hauling or transporting of solid waste shall be permitted on Saturday or Sunday.
(Ord. 801, 11/11/1999, §VI)