§ 27-1003. Nonconforming Structures.
   1.   Owners of said structures shall have the right to repair, improve, or expand nonconforming structures only to the extent that the nonconformity is not increased.
   2.   Where a nonconforming residential structure, whether principal or accessory is demolished, whether by intent of the owner or by damage or destruction, said structure may be reconstructed within the same dimensions said structure may be reconstructed within the same dimensions or altered dimensions, which do not increase any nonconformity or noncompliance with this Chapter, within one year of the date of said demolition.
   3.   Where a nonresidential structure, whether principal or accessory, is demolished by act of God, fire, or accidental damage, said structure may be reconstructed within the same dimensions within one year of the date of said demolition.
   4.   Where a nonresidential structure, whether principal or accessory, is voluntarily demolished, subsequent structures shall be reconstructed in accordance with this Chapter.
   5.   Nonconforming signs, unless demolished by act of God or accidentally, shall be reconstructed in a manner meeting the provisions of this Chapter. Demolition, for purposes of this Section, shall not include replacement of the sign’s face.
   6.   Parking lots, accessory to nonresidential uses, which are nonconforming with respect to impervious surface coverage, setbacks, and number of spaces required, shall conform to the requirements of this Chapter upon one or more of the following circumstances:
      1.   Voluntary demolition and subsequent reconstruction of the principal structure(s).
      2.   Addition to the principal structure which requires reconfiguration or elimination of some or all of the parking lot area.
      3.   Any change or expansion of the principal use which requires additional parking spaces in accordance with this Chapter.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-1003)