1. The Planning Commission shall make recommendations and findings of fact based in the following general and specific criteria, wherein the governing body shall review said finding and conditional use application and shall issue a decision, which may contain reasonable conditions. Said findings, conditions, and recommendations shall consider the following.
2. The maximization of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare through adequate buffering and building location recognizing the need to adequately provide for a certain use or class of uses.
3. The safety and requirements of the clients, residents, or patrons of a potential use through the design of internal pedestrian and vehicular circulation, site ingress and egress, general manner of operation, signage, lighting, and related improvements.
4. The site design of the proposed use shall promote the least intrusive options in regards to signage, vehicular circulation, deliveries, and hours of operation as possible while accommodating the basic requirements of the use’s regular business operations.
5. The overall costs versus the benefits in regards to public services, tax revenues, and benefits to the Borough’s residents as related to reasonable site design or associated modifications provided by the applicant.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-801)