§ 27-601. Residential Community PRD Development Standards.
   1.   Common Open Space. Forty percent of the site shall be dedicated as common open space adhering to the following standards:
      1.   Said open space shall be distributed in a manner that provides adequate buffering from adjacent neighborhoods of differing housing type and design, in a manner in which adjacent neighborhoods of varied or contrasting character are bordered by open space. Topography, landscaping, and types of adjacent uses shall determine said adequacy.
      2.   Five percent of the open space required shall be distributed in central areas of the plan, directly visible from and faced by housing constructed therein. Such open space shall bear at least 50 feet of frontage on streets within the planned residential development. The grading of said open space shall not exceed 8%.
      3.   The common open space shall be distributed in such a manner so as to preserve, by private covenant in favor of the Borough and by the PRD itself, wooded hillsides and other valuable natural features within the plan, including jurisdictional wetlands and floodplains.
      4.   Each phase of the PRD shall bear at least a proportional amount of open space or may include the dedication of all open space required per the tentative approval.
   2.   Uses Authorized. The following uses are authorized in the Residential Community PRD:
      1.   Single-family.
      2.   Duplex.
      3.   Townhouse.
      4.   Elderly residential facilities.
      5.   Neighborhood public and semi-public uses.
   3.   The amount of dwelling units permitted per acre shall be calculated as follows:
      1.   Forty-three thousand, five hundred sixty square feet divided by the minimum lot size in square feet of the respective underlying zoning district shall equal the base density or units per acre.
      2.   The following table shall serve to outline the number of units by type permitted per acre for the gross acreage included in the PRD. Each acre against which dwelling unit types are calculated shall not be included in the calculation of other types permitted. Therefore, the multipliers listed times the base density equal the number of units permitted per the proportional acreage of land applied to that dwelling unit type:
Use or Dwelling Unit Type
Elderly residential facility (number of residents)
      3.   One establishment of neighborhood public and semi-public use shall be permitted per 25 dwelling units or for every 60 residents licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare for Elderly Residential Facilities.
   4.   Lot Standards.
      1.   All lots shall bear safe and legal access to a street or access drives.
      2.   Maximum building height of any structure is 45 feet or three stories, whichever is less.
      3.   Yard setbacks or front yard build-to lines shall be proposed by the developer, wherein approved lines shall not impede the administration of emergency services.
      4.   Types of units authorized are listed in the table below. The table establishes the distances, in lineal feet, that each such structure or group of units or structures must be setback from another, by type. General lot design of fee simple building lots shall be capable of accommodating specific use types for which each is designated, allowing a building footprint permitting the following setback distances from neighboring structures, as designated.
Single Family
Elderly Residential Facility
Neighborhood Public or Semi-Public
Elderly Residential Facility
Neighborhood Public or Semi-Public
      5.   Considering elderly residential facilities as one unit by establishment, all types of units shall be capable of separate fee simple conveyance through placement on fee simple lots or property interest created as condominiums. Generally lots proposed to bear single-family residences shall be at least 40 feet in width at the proposed and accepted building line.
   5.   Landscaping. At a minimum, townhouse units shall be landscaped around the front of the units which face the street or access drive bearing one high level planting per unit or two ornamental trees per unit; and four low level plantings per unit. Elderly residential facilities shall provide 30% of the lot on which they are constructed as landscaped area bearing grass, groundcover, or decorative stone or mulch. Said area shall include one high-level or two ornamental trees for every 1,500 square feet of landscaped area and one low level planting for every 300 square feet of said landscaped area.
   6.   Elderly residential and neighborhood public or semi-public establishments shall be housed within structures adhering to the standards of § 27-905.
   7.   Applicability of Zoning Ordinance Provisions, Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and Related Ordinances. Unless expressly modified by the standards of this Section, all other requirements of this Chapter, the local subdivision and land development ordinance, and local street, grading, and other land development standards shall apply to developments proposed under this Section. Such ordinance standards may be modified only when the developer demonstrates that literal enforcement will exact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided that such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of the ordinance is observed; or that a modification meets or exceeds standards meeting the purpose or intent of the ordinance in question. The above shall not withstand all standard post approval requirements instituted by the local subdivision and land development ordinance, namely the required posting of financial security for streets, public improvements, and certain private amenities.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-601)