§ 2-204. Noise.
   It shall be unlawful to own, harbor or keep in custody any animal which disturbs the peace by barking, howling or making other loud noises to the annoyance and discomfort of any person in East McKeesport Borough. Continual barking, howling or the making of other loud noises by such animal for more than any ½ hour time period between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or continual barking, howling or the making of other loud noises for more than 15 minutes after 8 p.m. or before 8 a.m. on weekdays or after 8 p.m. or before 9 a.m. on weekends and holidays, which periods occur on 2 or more consecutive days or nights and/or which occurs 3 or more nights in any 7-day period, shall be deemed to disturb the peace and to cause the annoyance and discomfort of persons in East McKeesport Borough.
   A.   Any Borough resident may request the Borough Police Department to warn any person who shall own, harbor or keep in custody any animal which disturbs the peace by barking, howling or making other loud noises to the annoyance and discomfort of persons in East McKeesport Borough.
   B.   Any such requests, whether in writing or by phone, shall identify and specify the residents of the owner, keeper or custodian of the animal and shall identify and specify the residence of the person making the request. Upon receipt of such request, the Borough Police Chief or his designated agent’s shall investigate and issue a warning about compliance with this Part to the person identified as the owner, keeper, or custodian of the animal.
   C.   Sworn testimony of the complainants from two separate households, not related by blood or marriage, may be considered adequate and sufficient evidence of violation of this Part and the prosecution of the person or persons identified as the owner, keeper or custodian of the animal by East McKeesport Borough.
   D.   The violation of this Part shall be deemed to have occurred after delivery of the first warning and upon a second or subsequent violation of this Section and shall be subject to the penalties as indicated at § 2-207.
(Ord. 892, 9/8/2011, §4)