1. For areas not covered by a release rate map from an approved Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan:
Post-development discharge rates shah not exceed the pre-development discharge rates for the 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events. This is the equivalent to a 100% release rate area when compared to those rates shown in the maps contained in Appendix A (New and Existing Release Rate Management Districts). This Pre-development to Post-development control is not to be misconstrued as the same as the "Conditional Direct Discharge" areas on the Release Rate maps. If it is shown that the peak rates of discharge indicated by the post-development analysis are less than or equal to the peak rates of discharge indicated by the pre-development analysis for 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year, 24-hour storms, then the requirements of this section have been met. Otherwise, the applicant shall provide additional controls as necessary to satisfy the peak rate of discharge requirement. Peak flows should be computed using the methods included in the Chapter titled "Stormwater Calculations and Methodology" of the PADEP Stormwater Management BMP Manual.
2. For areas covered by a release rate map from an approved Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan:
For the 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events, the post-development peak discharge rates will follow the applicable approved release rate maps. These maps are contained in Appendix A (New and Existing Release Rate Management Districts) of this Part. For any areas not shown on the release rate maps, the post-development discharge rates shah not exceed the pre-development discharge rates for the specified design events. Peak flows should be computed using the methods included in Chapter 8 of the PADEP Stormwater Management BMP Manual.
(Ord. 946, 11/8/2018, §304)