§ 24-705. Application for License.
   Any person, firm, corporation or other entity, desiring to procure a license as required in § 24-704 of this Part, shall apply therefor in writing to the Borough Secretary. Said application shall set forth the following information:
   A.   The name and residence of the vendor of each juke box, pool table or video or mechanical amusement device to be licensed.
   B.   The name and residence of the proprietor of the business establishment in which each juke box, pool table or video or mechanical amusement device is to be located, used or installed.
   C.   If vendor and/or proprietor are citizens of the United States.
   D.   The manufacturer, name of machine, serial number, type and fee for each machine, video or mechanical device, pool table, juke box or apparatus to be located on the premises, installed or used.
   E.   A verification by the vendor and proprietor, that the facts set forth in the application are true and correct to the vendor's and proprietor's personal knowledge, information or belief, and that any false statements therein are made subject to the penalties of the Crime Code, 18 Pa.C.S. §4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
   F.   That the vendor and proprietor have been provided a copy of this Part and that he/she have read and agree to be bound by all terms and provisions hereof.
   G.   That a license does not sanction or condone the use or possession of any illegal gambling device, whether illegal per se or as modified.
   H.   That the illegal use or possession of an unlawful gambling device, either per se or as modified, may result in a criminal prosecution by law enforcement officials.
(Ord. 796,1/14/1999, §7)