§ 24-203. Levying of Tax.
   There is hereby levied for the tax year 1989 and annually thereafter a tax for general revenue purposes of the privilege of doing business as herein defined as follows:
   A.   Rate and Basis of Tax. The rate of the tax on each and every dollar of the whole or gross volume of business transacted within the territorial limits of the Borough of East McKeesport shall be one mill; one mill shall mean $1 per $1,000 of gross volume of business.
   B.   Computation of Volume of Business.
      (1)   Every person subject to the payment of the tax hereby imposed who has commenced his business prior to the full calendar year prior to the tax year shall compute his annual estimated gross volume of business upon the actual gross amount of business transacted by him during said immediately preceding calendar year.
      (2)   Every person subject to the payment of the tax hereby imposed who has commenced or who commences his business less than 1 full year prior to the beginning of the license year, shall compute his annual gross volume of business for such license year upon the gross volume of business transacted by him during the first month in business multiplied by 12.
      (3)   Every person subject to the payment of the tax hereby imposed who commences his business subsequent to the beginning of the license year, shall compute his annual gross volume of business for such license year upon the gross volume of business transacted by him during the first month of his engaging in business multiplied by the number of months he engages in business in such license year.
      (4)   Every person subject to the payment of the tax hereby imposed who engages in a business temporary, seasonal or itinerant by its nature, shall compute his annual gross volume of business upon the actual gross amount of business transacted by him during the license year. The aforementioned shall be required to make a minimum payment in an amount determined by the Tax Administrator prior to their engaging in business.
      (5)   The Tax Administrator is hereby authorized to accept payment under protest of the amount of business privilege tax claimed by the Borough in any case where the taxpayer disputes the validity or amount of the Borough's claim for tax. If it is thereafter judicially determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that the Borough has been overpaid, the amount of the over payment shall be refunded to the taxpayer. The provisions of this Section shall be applicable to cases in which the facts are similar to those in a case litigated in a court of competent jurisdiction.
      (6)   Payments made under the Mercantile License Tax for business to which this tax is applicable shall be credited to this tax and vice versa.
   C.   Persons, Business and Receipts Exempted.
      (1)   Persons and Businesses. Persons employed for a wage or salary, nonprofit corporations or associations organized for religious, charitable or educational purposes, agencies of the Government of the United States or of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the business of any political subdivision, or of any authority created or organized under and pursuant to any act of assembly are exempt from the provisions of this Part.
      (2)   No such tax shall be assessed and collected on a privilege, transaction, subject or occupation which is subject to a state tax or license fee, and which tax or license fee has been held by the Courts of Pennsylvania to be the basis for exemption from the imposition of a business privilege tax by a municipality.
      (3)   Utilities. No such tax shall be assessed and collected on the gross receipts from utility service of any person or company whose rates of service are fixed and regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission; or on any public utility service rendered by any such person or company or on any privilege or transaction involving the rendering of any such public utility service.
      (4)   State Tax on Tangible Property. No such tax shall be assessed and collected on the privilege of employing such tangible property as is subject to a State tax except on sales of admission to places of amusement or on sales or other transfers of title or possession of property.
      (5)   Any other person exempt by law from the imposition of this tax.
   D.   Determination of Gross or Whole Volume Business. Gross or whole volume of business upon which the tax hereunder is computed shall include the gross consideration credited or received for or on account of sales made, rentals and/or services rendered, subject only to the following allowable deductions and exemptions:
      (1)   The dollar volume of business transacted by wholesale and retail dealers derived from the resale of goods, wares and merchandise taken by any dealer as trade-in or as part payment for other goods, wares and merchandise, except to the extent that the resale price exceeds the trade-in allowance.
      (2)   Refunds, credits or allowances given by a taxpayer to a purchaser on account of defects in goods, wares or merchandise sold, or on account of goods, wares or merchandise returned.
      (3)   Any commissions paid by a broker to another broker on account of a purchase or sales contract initiated, executed or cleared with such other broker.
      (4)   Bad debts, where the deduction is also taken in the same year for Federal Income Taxation purposes.
      (5)   Taxes collected as agent for the United States of America, Comm on - wealth of Pennsylvania or the Borough of East McKeesport or other political subdivision.
   PARTIAL EXEMPTIONS - Where gross or whole volume of business in its entirety cannot be subjected to the tax imposed by this Part by reason of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States or any other provision of law, the Tax Administrator with the approval of the Council of the Borough of East McKeesport shall establish rules and regulations and methods of allocation and evaluation so that only that part of the gross or whole volume of business which is property attributable and allowable to doing business in the Borough shall be taxed hereunder.
   RECORDS - the taxpayer, to obtain the foregoing enumerated exclusions and deductions, shall keep books and records of his business so as to show clearly, accurately and separately the amount of such sales and services as are excluded from the tax and the amounts of such sales and services which he is entitled to deduct from the gross volume of business as hereinbefore provided.
(Ord. 719, 7/13/1989, §111)