1. In the event the proposed driveway or road connecting with any Borough street or way will produce a traffic flow in excess of 60 vehicles per day, the Borough may order a traffic study to be prepared by its engineers, the expense of which is to be borne by the applicant and paid before review of the submitted plans.
2. The Borough will provide a scope of study specifying the study area, intersections and any special requirements. Prior to initiation of the study, a meeting shall be held to review the scope of work. PennDOT may be invited to the meeting where appropriate. The study shall include the following:
A. Description of the proposed project in terms of land use and magnitude.
B. An inventory an analysis of existing roadway and traffic conditions in the site environs, including:
(1) Roadway network and traffic control.
(2) Existing traffic volumes in terms of peak hours and average daily traffic (ADT), where specifically requested.
(3) Planned roadway improvements by others.
(4) Intersection levels of service.
(5) Roadway levels of service (where requested).
(6) Other measures of roadway adequacy; i.e., lane-widths, traffic signal warrants and vehicle delay studies.
C. Projected site-generated traffic volumes in terms of:
(1) Peak hours and ADT (by phase if required).
(2) Approach/departure distribution including method of determination. This must be approved prior to performing future traffic analyses.
(3) Site traffic volumes in roadway.
D. An analysis of future traffic conditions, with and without the proposed development, including:
(1) Future design year, or years with phasing, combined traffic volumes (site traffic plus future roadway traffic). If the study is required for PennDOT review, the future design year shall be consistent with PennDOT requirements.
(2) Intersection levels of service.
(3) Roadway levels of service (where appropriate).
(4) A pavement analysis of roadways which are projected to experience significant increased in ADT volumes (where appropriate).
(5) Other measures of roadway adequacy, i.e., lane-width; traffic signal warrants and vehicle delay studies.
E. A description of future levels of service and their compliance with standards for traffic capacity of streets, intersections and driveways.
F. A description and analysis of the proposed access plan and site plan.
(1) On-site circulation plan showing parking locations and dimension, loading access, circulation plan showing parking locations and dimension, loading access, circulation roadway and traffic control.
(2) Driveway access plan showing location of driveways and new intersections including geometric conditions and traffic control.
(Ord. 966, 10/13/2022)