§ 21-704. Contents of Application Plan.
   1.   The applicant for a street access permit is responsible for submitting four sets of plans with the permit application which contain the following, except as provided in Subsection 2. below:
      A.   Traffic control plan if it is necessary to close a lane to vehicular traffic in order to perform the permitted work.
      B.   Drainage control plan required if, as result of action of applicant, there will be an increase in the flow of water onto the street or into a street drainage facility. The plan must include: source of water, existing and proposed flow (cfs), existing and proposed drainage pattern and hydraulic computations demonstrating adequate capacity in the drainage system to accept the additional flow.
      C.   Driveway access plan showing:
         (1)   Driveway width, radii and other points of curvature, grades or profile view of drive, angle relative to the street and surface material.
         (2)   Dimensions of any traffic islands/dividers to separate traffic flow.
         (3)   Distance from proposed driveway to: nearest intersecting streets, roads or highways; nearest driveway on adjacent properties (both sides of street); streets, driveways opposite site; adjacent land uses; any traffic control devices.
         (4)   Sight distance in each direction from proposed driveway.
         (5)   Number of vehicles per day expected to use driveway.
   2.   An applicant applying for a street access permit for a property containing one single-family residential dwelling (as defined by the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27]) is only responsible for submitting an application form and one set of driveway access plans (professional drawings not required) showing:
      A.   Driveway width, radii and other points of curvature.
      B.   Distance from proposed driveway to: nearest intersecting streets, roads or highways; nearest driveway on adjacent properties (both sides of the street); streets, driveways opposite site; adjacent land uses.
      C.   Sight distance in each direction from proposed driveway.
      D.   Number of vehicles per day expected to use driveway.
(Ord. 966, 10/13/2022)