1. Temporary Restoration. A temporary pavement consisting of bituminous cold patch material, not less than one inch compacted depth shall be installed flush with the surface of the existing undisturbed pavement and shall be maintained until permanent restoration has been completed. On unimproved streets, compacted 2-A stone material, not less than three inches compacted depth shall be installed and maintained until permanent restoration has been completed.
2. Permanent restoration shall be performed and completed as soon as the utility work has been completed, but in no instance shall permanent restoration be completed any longer than three months from the official date of said completion, except as may be necessitated by winter weather conditions and as approved by the Borough. Failure to comply shall result in the penalties as set forth elsewhere herein. Permanent restoration shall include back of curb-to-back of curb replacement. This includes the entire curb for the length of the restoration. The street shall be milled 1-1/2" for a distance of fifteen feet beyond the excavation opening. See Drawing No. IX:2.03:14 and Drawing No. IX:2.04:06 in the appendix following this Part.
3. Bituminous pavement restoration shall consist of the following: Saw one foot outside the initial excavation and remove temporary paving and base to a depth of seven and one half inches below the existing finished surface and furnish and install the following: See Drawing No. IX:2.03:05 following this Part.
A. Thoroughly compact subgrade.
B. Place eight-inch compacted depth of a 2-A modified stone base.
C. Place six-inch compacted depth of 25.0 mm Superpave Binder Material.
D. Place one and a half inch compact depth of 9.5 mm Superpave Wearing Material.
E. Immediately following paving operations, hand mop and seal all edges where new pavement meets existing surfaces with AC-20 sealing material.
4. Where concrete curb is to be restored, the contractor shall saw cut and remove affected curb to the next undisturbed expansion or contraction joint, shall place one half inch premolded expansion joint material and install medium depth 18-inch plain cement curb to match width and reveal of the adjacent existing undisturbed curb. Concrete shall be 4,000 PSI air entrained. All new finished concrete surfaces shall be treated with BASF Enviroseal 40 or equivalent. See drawing No. IX:3.05:02 following this Part.
5. Where concrete sidewalk is to be restored, the contractor shall excavate and remove existing affected sidewalk to the next undisturbed expansion or contraction joint, shall saw cut smooth and replace full slabs. Specifications shall include five-inch minimum depth of compacted 2B or crushed stone subbase and five-inch thickness of 4,000 p.s.i. air entrained concrete, with No. 10/10 gauge welded wire fabric, one half inch pre-molded expansion joints where new concrete construction meets existing construction and placed at 30-foot center to center, with contraction joints at ten-foot center to center. All new finished concrete surfaces shall be treated with BASF Enviroseal 40 or equivalent. See drawing No. IX:3.05:04B following this Part.
6. Additional restoration shall be required as follows:
A. If disturbed lanes adjacent to undisturbed lanes are overlaid, the edge of the disturbed lanes shall be saw cut or milled to a depth of one and one half inches or the depth of the existing surface course, whichever is less, for the length of the opening to insure a smooth joint, with proper elevation and cross sections. A full width overlay may be authorized on various roadways instead of saw cutting or milling the disturbed land.
B. Restored openings in the pavement or paved shoulder shall be sealed in the case of bituminous concrete or in the case of cement concrete.
7. Test holes shall require a street opening permit for any test hole work. No test holes shall be made in or upon a greater surface of the highway than as specified in such permit, and no excavation may interfere with any water pipes, sewers or drains of the Borough or any other underground utility service. Test holes shall be promptly backfilled in accordance with provisions set by the Borough.
(Ord. 971, 4/13/2023)