§ 21-101. Permits Required.
   1.   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tear up any street or alley, sidewalk and curb in East McKeesport for any purpose whatsoever, without first obtaining a permit from the office of the Borough Secretary.
   2.   The charge for said permits shall be as follows:
      A.   A permit fee and inspection fee shall be paid to the Borough prior to issuance of the permit. The Borough shall have the right to waive fees for contractors performing the work under contract with the Borough.
         (1)   The minimum charge for a permit for a street opening be $150 for openings less than or equal to 5 feet by 5 feet or 25 square feet. Openings greater than 5 feet by 5 feet or 25 square feet are assigned an additional fee of $10 per square foot, not to exceed a total of $3,000.
         (2)   Permittees are also required to pay a $100 inspection fee per street opening.
      Note: Applicants who promptly submit their application prior to start of construction will owe a $100 permit fee instead of $150. Fifty dollars of the original fee will be waived.
      B.   The Borough Secretary shall submit all applications to the Borough Engineer, which shall investigate same and if the Engineer finds it necessary to do said work in the manner described therein, and that the same can be done without closing the highway to public travel, the said Engineer shall approve the application in writing and fix the amount to be charged as hereinafter provided.
      C.   If said application is approved in writing by the Engineer, the Borough Engineer shall issue a permit to the applicant upon the payment, by the applicant, of the amount hereinafter fixed, or the furnishing of a prescribed bond.
      D.   After a permit is issued by the Borough, it shall not be assigned or transferred.
(Ord. 971, 4/13/2023)