1. The BCO/Code Enforcement Official is hereby authorized to prepare forms for such applications requesting such data as the BCO/Code Enforcement Official deems necessary in his discretion, including but not limited to limits of liability of any liability insurance policy requested, a hold harmless provision protecting the Borough, a provision mandating lighting or reflectors on such containers, the placement of containers, warning signs and barricades and whether a cash or security bond to cover damages should be included. A dated application signed by the owner of the land and the applicant, if not the owner, must provide at least the following information:
A. Name and address of the applicant and the owner of the subject real estate; the address where the work is to be done;
B. The dimensions and capacity of the container to be used, a description of the work to be done to the subject real estate and the length of time anticipated to complete the project;
C. The site where the applicant wishes to place the container, the duration of when it will be in place and what materials will be stored in the container.
2. After the expiration of the second permit, the dumpster shall be removed from the Borough.
(Ord. 972, 5/9/2024)