§ 20-107. Borough Waste Collection Fee.
   1.   A Borough waste collection fee shall be imposed upon owners and occupants of property within the Borough in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council from the effective date of this Part and continuing thereafter. This fee shall be assessed against owners and occupants of dwelling units, against each unit of an apartment building or buildings devoted to multifamily occupancy. Such fee will be collectable from the owner or occupant of the property. These fees shall be assessed regardless whether the apartment units are vacant. It shall be the responsibility of the landlord/owner to pay these assessed fees for apartment building units or rental properties in the event of vacancies. [Ord. 828]
   2.   The Borough reserves the right to negotiate an amount different from the Borough waste collection fee with large waste producers such as, but not limited to, apartment buildings and commercial establishments.
   3.   Any party failing to pay the appropriate fee when due shall incur a penalty fee in accordance with the table below.
      January through June      additional 5% due on total fee
      July through end of year      additional 10% due on total fee
   4.   Any person who independently contracts with another hauler for waste collection services shall remain responsible for paying the Borough waste collection fee assessed by the Borough.
(Ord. 801, 11/11/1999, §VIII; as amended by Ord. 809, 12/28/2000; by Ord. 815, 5/10/2001; by Ord. 828, 6/12/2003, §1; by Ord. 830, 12/11/2003, §1; and by Ord. 879, 12/11/2008, §I)