1. The storage of all Borough waste shall be practiced so as to prevent the attraction, harborage or breeding of insects and rodents, and to eliminate conditions harmful to public health and safety such as odors, unsightliness, public nuisances or infection.
2. All Borough waste shall be stored in containers approved by the Borough or its designated representative. Individual containers and bulk containers utilized for storage of Borough waste shall comply with the following standards.
A. Reusable containers shall be constructed of durable, watertight, rust and corrosion resistant material, such as plastic, metal or fiberglass in such a manner as to be leak-proof, weatherproof, insect-proof and rodent-proof.
B. Reusable containers for individual residences shall have a tight-fitting cover and suitable lifting handles to facilitate collection.
C. Reusable containers for individual residences shall have a capacity of not less than 10 gallons nor more than 40 gallons and a loaded weight of not more than 40 pounds.
D. Containers shall not have jagged or sharp edges or other defect able to injure collection personnel. Containers have such defects shall be replaced immediately or upon notice of the Borough or its designated representative.
E. Containers used for larger products of Borough waste such as apartment dwellings and other commercial establishments may use containers larger than that permitted for individual residences. The characteristics of these containers may be negotiated between the waste producer and the Borough or its designated representative subject to approval of the Borough.
3. Any person producing Borough waste shall provide a sufficient number of approved containers to store all waste materials generated during periods between regularly scheduled collections, and shall place and store all waste material therein.
4. Any person storing Borough waste for collection shall comply with the following preparation standards:
A. All municipal waste shall be drained of free liquids before being placed in storage containers at the curb for pickup.
B. All garbage or other putrescible waste shall be securely wrapped or in paper, plastic or similar materials or placed in plastic bags and sealed with a twist-tie, rope, string or other secure means.