1. Each time a property is to be sold or transferred and prior to closing of sale to a buyer, the property owner shall under the terms of this Part, perform the required testing of their private sanitary lateral in full accordance with the requirements herein to follow and obtain all necessary municipal approvals at their total cost and at no cost to the municipality. All work including testing and rehabilitation and/or replacement shall be performed by a registered master plumber, in full accordance with all applicable requirements of the ACHD-Plumbing Division and shall include the filing of the necessary plans and payment of all associated fees, including the municipal filing fee as established elsewhere herein. The registered master plumber shall, on behalf of the owner, submit the completed application form provided by the municipality and including the applicable municipal fee. The property owner shall be responsible, at his expense, to procure and retain the registered master plumber.
2. CCTV of the entire private lateral as defined elsewhere herein shall be performed in full accordance with NASSCO requirements and by a certified NASSCO operator. Any condition rated greater than three shall constitute failure and require corrective action. Any multiple conditions rated two or greater or any observed leak shall constitute failure and require corrective action. The CCTV Inspection shall also include a visual inspection report of the line(s) directly upstream from the fresh air vent or cleanout to determine possible additional extraneous flows from subsurface drains or other sources. Currently, these lines and/or flows shall not be subject to corrective action under this Part. It shall be clearly noted that the absence of a fresh air vent or cleanout shall constitute a failure of the lateral.
3. CCTV (if required) shall be provided by the registered master plumber to the Municipal Engineer who will evaluate same and provide his report of findings and if indicated, directing the appropriate required corrective action.
4. Should corrective action by required as a result of failure of one or more of the tests to be performed, such shall be based upon one of the acceptable methods as defined in the definitions section (§ 18-903) of this Part. All work shall be performed as indicated elsewhere herein. Post repair CCTV by the registered master plumber (certified NASSCO operator) shall be required to verify completion of all required repairs.
5. Upon completion of all required corrective action, the registered master plumber shall, on behalf of the owner, submit to the Municipal Engineer a certificate of completion and compliance from the Allegheny County Plumbing Division and the application and certificate of compliance form provided for in Ordinance 941 as Appendix “A”. Inspections shall be performed by both the Allegheny County Plumbing Division and the Municipal Engineer. The Municipality will then provide the duly executed certificate of compliance. Closing of ANY sale shall be withheld until ALL approvals have been granted by the Municipality. Temporary approval shall NOT be granted unless circumstances as detailed in §18-806 occur.
(Ord. 941, 6/8/2017)