The following terms used in this Part shall have the following meanings:
BOROUGH - the Borough of East McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
BOROUGH LIEN LETTER - a written letter from the Borough certifying that the property is free from municipal liens and unpaid municipal taxes.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - an official writing issued by the Borough that dye testing has determined that there are no illegal connections in violation of this Part.
COUNCIL - the governing body of the Borough of East McKeesport. DATE OF SALE - the date of sale is the date of closing.
DYE TEST - any dye test performed by the Borough, a registered plumber or other qualified contractor whereby dye is introduced into the water collection system of a property to determine whether basement seepage, groundwater, downspout drainage, roof drainage, driveway drainage or other surface water drainage is entering the sanitary sewer system.
EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE - an official statement from the Borough stating that it has on file a written statement from a licensed plumber or approved home inspector that there are no illegal storm or surface water connections into the sanitary sewer connections which would violate municipal or County ordinances, the state statutes or municipal, County or State plumbing regulations.
HOME INSPECTOR - a person registered with the Borough who performs stormwater dye tests.
ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS - any connection or conveyance that allows the discharge of inflammable or volatile liquids, basement seepage, ground water, downspout drainage, roof drainage, driveway drainage or other surface water drainage into the sanitary sewer system.
MUNICIPAL LIEN LETTER - a written letter from the Borough concerning municipal liens and claims.
ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE OFFICER - those person(s) designated by the Borough to administer and enforce all laws and ordinances of the Borough.
PERSON - any person, partnership, association, syndicate, firm, corporation, institution, agency, authority or entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. The singular shall include the plural.
PROPERTY - real property located within the Borough upon which a building or improvements exists.
TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - a statement issued by the Borough pursuant to § 18-510 of this Part.
(Ord. 803, 6/8/2000, §4)