§ 18-301. Rates and Charges.
   The Borough of East McKeesport in accordance with the ALCOSAN and the McKeesport Municipal Authority agreements hereby adopts, fixes and establishes the following sewage rates and charges effective with all bills issued on or after January 1, 2023:
   A.   Based upon water consumption per quarter year - $11.83 per thousand gallon sewage charge.
   B.   A minimum charge of $94.69 per 8,000 gallons or less is hereby established.
(Ord. 906, 12/13/2012, §1; as amended by Ord. 932, 12/10/2015; by Ord. 944, 12/14/2017; by Ord. 950, 12/13/2018; by Ord. 954, 12/12/2019; by Ord. 969, 12/8/2022; and by Ord. 970, 1/19/2023)