1. It shall be unlawful for any individual to park any type of recreational vehicle, as herein after defined, upon the public streets of the Borough of East McKeesport.
2. Recreational vehicle as used in this Section is defined as any vehicle whether self- propelled or designed to be towed, used for travel, transport or camping and included motor homes, campers and trailers including and all such vehicles required to be licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation with enclosed portions suitable for sleeping and/or as living areas.
3. Any person parking a recreational vehicle upon the public streets of the Borough of East McKeesport shall be subject to a fine as hereinafter set forth.
4. Recreational vehicles including motor homes, campers and trailers parked illegally in violation of this Section may be removed and impounded in accordance with other Borough ordinances; provided, however, that the towing charge for such vehicles will be $35 and the storage charges $5 per day.
5. The fine will be imposed on any person violating any provision of this Section shall, upon conviction thereof before the district justice of the peace, be subject to a fine not to exceed $50 or imprisonment not to exceed 10 days or both.
6. The foregoing prohibition against parking recreational vehicles is hereby modified with respect to such vehicles owned by persons from out of town who are visiting residents of the Borough so as to permit the parking of said vehicles for up to 15 days in any 1 calendar year in the Borough. Any person parking such out of town recreational vehicle in the Borough for more than 15 days as set forth above shall be subject to the fines and penalties set forth.
7. Proper officers of the Borough are authorized and directed to take all necessary steps to implement the terms and provisions of this Section and to advise the public of its passage including the dissemination of such fact to the news media and the posting of appropriate signs in the Borough indicating the prohibition against parking of recreational vehicles.
8. Additional Restrictions.
A. Other Vehicles. In addition to recreational vehicles, it shall be unlawful for any individual to park any type of bus, full trailer, limousine, mass transit vehicle, semi-trailer, trailer, truck camper, truck tractor or utility trailer as those vehicles are defined under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. §102, or boat or personal on-demand storage devices upon the public streets of the Borough of East McKeesport.
B. Impoundment/Towing. Any person parking a vehicle as prohibited at paragraph .A upon the public streets of the Borough of East McKeesport shall be subject to a fine hereinafter set forth. Such vehicles parked illegally in violation of this subsection may be removed and impounded in accordance with other Borough ordinances; provided, however, that the towing charge for such vehicles will be $50 and the storage charge will be $25 per day.
C. Exceptions. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit any person from parking an emergency vehicle on any of the streets of the Borough of East McKeesport while attending to an emergency or from parking on any of those streets or parts of streets a truck or other commercial vehicle making local deliveries to or pickups from premises located along the streets of the Borough.
D. Dumpster. It shall be unlawful for any property owner or other person to leave on public property a garbage dumpster for a time period in excess of 5 days without first having applied for a permit to do so with the Borough of East McKeesport. No dumpster shall be placed on public property in any manner which would prove to be a nuisance or to affect the public health and safety of the residents of East McKeesport.
E. Motor Vehicle Repair. It shall be unlawful for any person to make repairs to any motor vehicle in the public streets and/or rights-of-way of the Borough of East McKeesport. Unless it poses a nuisance or safety hazard to passerbys, the routine maintenance of motor vehicles in the public streets and/or rights-of- way as defined herein is hereby permitted.
F. Penalties. Any person who violates any provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $300 together with cost of prosecution provided that each violation of this subsection shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 858]
(Ord. 828, 6/12/2003, §1; as amended by Ord. 858, 10/12/2006, §§1-6)