1. Overnight guests of a short-term rental shall be limited to two per bedroom plus four.
2. The maximum number of day guests allowed at any one time, in addition to the overnight guests, shall be 75% of the maximum overnight occupancy of the short-term rental rounded up.
3. The number of bedrooms permitted for a short-term rental shall not exceed the number of bedrooms approved for the dwelling unit on the sewage permit issued for such property. Where there is no sewage permit on record, the short-term rental shall be limited to three bedrooms unless proof is provided to the Sewage Enforcement Officer that the septic system is adequate to handle additional flows.
4. Neither short-term rental occupants nor guests shall engage in disorderly conduct or disturb the peace and quiet of any nearby neighborhood or person by loud, unusual or excessive noise, by tumultuous or offensive conduct, public indecency, threatening, traducing, quarreling, challenging to fight, or fighting, or creating a dangerous or physically offensive condition.
5. The owner and/or person in charge shall use best efforts to assure that the occupants or guests of the short-term rental do not create unreasonable noise or disturbances, engage in disorderly conduct, or otherwise violate provisions of the East McKeesport Borough Code or any state law pertaining to noise or disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, notifying the occupants of the rules regarding short-term rentals and responding when notified that occupants are violating laws, ordinances or regulations regarding their occupancy.
6. The owner and/or person in charge shall, upon notification that occupants or guests of the short-term rental have created unreasonable noise or disturbances, engaged in disorderly conduct or otherwise violated provisions of the East McKeesport Borough Code or state law pertaining to noise or disorderly conduct, promptly use best efforts to prevent a recurrence of such conduct by those occupants or guests.
7. Overnight occupancy of recreational vehicles, camper trailers and tents at the property where the short- term rental is located shall not be allowed. Outdoor overnight sleeping of occupants or guests of the short-term rental is prohibited.
8. A short-term rental shall not have any outside appearance indicating a change of use from the surrounding residential uses.
9. Fireworks and floating lanterns are prohibited.
10. Subleasing all or a portion of the dwelling unit is prohibited.
11. All short-term rentals shall have a clearly visible and legible notice posted within the dwelling unit on or adjacent to the front door containing the following information:
A. The name of the owner of the unit or the person in charge and a telephone number at which that party can be reached on a 24-hour basis.
B. The E-911 address of the property.
C. The maximum number of occupants permitted to stay in the dwelling unit and the maximum number of day guests permitted at any one time.
D. The trash pick-up day and notification that trash and refuse shall not be left or stored on the exterior of the property.
E. Notification that an occupant or guest may be cited and fined for creating a disturbance or for violating other provisions of the East McKeesport Borough Code, including parking and occupancy limits.
F. Notification that short-term rental occupants and guests are required to make the property available for inspection by the Enforcement Officer upon request.
G. A full copy of The East McKeesport Borough short-term rental ordinance.
12. Compliance with the requirements of this section shall be considered conditions of a short-term rental permit, the violation of which may result in a revocation of that permit by the Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. 960, 7/8/2021)