1. Any and every place in the Borough where obscene motion picture films or live Theater productions are publicly exhibited or possessed for the purpose of such exhibition; and any and every place in the Borough where obscene publications are publicly disseminated or sold, or possessed for the purpose of such dissemination, is a public nuisance.
2. Any and every obscene motion picture film or live Theater production which is publicly exhibited, and any and every obscene publication which is publicly displayed, disseminated or sold, or possessed for such purpose, is a public nuisance per se.
3. From and after service on the place or its manager or acting manager or person then in charge of such place, of a true and correct copy of this Part and a true and correct copy of the summons and complaint to abate a nuisance, all monies paid thereafter as admission price to such exhibitions or productions, or purchase price of such publications, are also declared to be a public nuisance, as personal property used in conducting and maintaining a declared public nuisance.
(Ord. 650, 2/14/1980, §2)