For the purposes of this part, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
CHARITABLE SOLICITATION ACT - The Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act enacted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 10 P.S. '162.1 et seq., as such act may be amended from time to time.
COMMERCIAL COVENTURER - Has the meaning set forth in the Charitable Solicitation Act.
PERSON - Any individual, organization, corporation, association, partnership, trust, foundation or other entity, however styled, including but not limited to charitable organizations, business organizations, commercial coventurers, professional fundraising counsel, professional solicitors, and volunteer fundraisers and solicitors.
PROFESSIONAL FUNDRAISING COUNSEL - Has the meaning set forth in the Charitable Solicitation Act.
PROFESSIONAL SOLICITOR - Has the meaning set forth in the Charitable Solicitation Act.
SOLICIT - To go from door to door in the Borough (i) soliciting contributions or pledges for contributions, or (ii) selling or attempting to sell subscriptions, products or services, or taking orders or attempting to take orders for subscriptions, products or services from or to an occupant of a residence.
SOLICITATION - Acts of individual solicitors on behalf of a particular person.
SOLICITING ORGANIZATION - The person on whose behalf solicitors are acting.
SOLICITOR - A person who solicits.
STATE PERMIT - A permit issued by the Bureau of Charitable Organizations of the Department of State, pursuant to the terms of the Charitable Solicitation Act.
(Ord. 952, 9/12/2019)