1. Notices.
A. For purposes of this Part, any notice required hereunder to be given to a manager shall be deemed as notice given to the owner.
B. There shall be a rebuttal presumption that any notice required to be given to the owner under this Part shall have been received by such owner if the notice was given to the owner in the manner provided by this Part.
C. A claimed lack of knowledge by the owner of any violation hereunder cited shall be no defense to license non-renewal, suspension or revocation proceed ings as long as all notices prerequisite to institution of such proceedings have been given and deemed received in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Part.
2. Changes in Ownership Occupancy. It shall be the duty of each owner of a regulated rental unit to notify the Code Enforcement Officer in writing of any change in ownership of the premises or of the number of regulated rental units on the premises. It shall also be the duty of the owner to notify the Code Enforcement Officer in writing of any increase in the number of occupants in any regulated rental unit or of the changing of a dwelling unit from owner-occupied to nonowner-occupied, which thereby transforms the dwelling into a regulated rental unit for purposes of this Part.
3. Owners Severally Responsible. If any regulated rental unit is owned by more than one person, in any form of joint tenancy, as a partnership, or otherwise, each person shall be jointly and severally responsible for the duties imposed under the terms of this Part, and shall be severally subject to prosecution for the violation of this Part.
(Ord. 911, 8/8/2013, Part 2)