From this date hereafter each application for an occupancy permit shall be accompanied by a check, cash or money order in the amount described hereinafter.
A. Commercial business places shall pay the sum in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council as long as the inspection is of a routine nature. If the inspection requires a complex procedure and excessive time the applicant shall bear the cost of the inspection.
B. Rental dwelling units or single-family dwelling units shall pay the sum in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council as long as the inspection is of a routine nature. If the inspection requires a complex procedure and excessive time, the applicant shall bear the cost of the inspection.
C. For purposes of this Part, the first revisit of the inspector will be deemed to be part of the original inspection. Thereafter, if the applicant fails to comply with the regulations, the second revisit by the inspector shall be deemed to be a new inspection and subject to additional fees as described above.
(Ord. 911, 8/8/2013, Part 1)