§ 10-702. Legal Action to Be Taken Against Owners.
   In addition to any other remedy available at law, including those remedies available under the Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act (Act 90 of 2010), remedies available in equity or other remedies as provided for in the Code of the Borough of East McKeesport, the Borough may institute the following actions against the owner of any property that is in serious violation of a Borough Code or for failure to correct a condition which causes the property to be regarded as a public nuisance:
   A.   An in personam action may be initiated for a continuing violation for which the owner takes no substantial step to correct within the 6 months following receipt of an order by the Borough to correct the violation, unless the order is subject to a pending appeal before an administrative agency or court. Notwithstanding any law limiting the form of action for the recovery of penalties by a municipality for the violation of a Borough code, the Borough may recover, in a single action under this section, an amount equal to the penalties imposed against the owner and any costs of remediation lawfully incurred by, or on behalf of, the Borough to remedy any code violation.
   B.   A proceeding in equity.
   C.   A lien may be placed against the assets of an owner of real property that is in serious violation of Borough code or is regarded as a public nuisance after a judgment, decree or order is entered by a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner of the property for an adjudication under either an In personam action or a proceeding in equity as set forth above. In the case of an owner that is an association or trust, this does hot authorize a lien to be placed upon the individual assets or the general partner, trustee, limited partner, shareholder, member or beneficiary of the association or trust except as otherwise allowed by law.
(Ord. 897, 3/8/2012, §II)