1. The owner of any property on which an excavation or fill has been made shall maintain in good condition and repair all retaining walls, cribbing, drainage structures, fences, ground cover and other protective devices as established by permit.
2. The continued use of said area shall be contingent upon its maintenance and upkeep in a manner satisfactory to the Borough and shall be subject to such further conditions as the Borough may prescribe from time to time.
3. The certificate of completion issued under § 9-109, Subsection 6., may at any time be revoked by the Council upon a finding of the Borough Engineer or his designee that the conditions of the permit are not being observed and that conditions exist that prejudice the health, safety and welfare of any person, persons or property. Such procedure is in addition to the procedure outlined for hazardous conditions in § 9-108, "Abatement of Hazardous Conditions."
(Ord. 965, 10/13/2022)