1. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent any surface water from damaging the cut face of an excavation or the sloping surface of a fill.
2. The drainage pattern prior to construction shall be indicated on the plans and adequate measures shall be taken to eliminate any erosion and water runoff damage to adjacent properties during the grading and/or construction and after completion of grading and/or construction.
3. The grading and/or necessary storm sewers, catch basins, drainage ditches and swales to protect adjacent properties shall be constructed before the property to be graded is cleared and grubbed and before any excavation or filling is started.
4. The storm sewers, catch basins, drainage ditches and swales must be maintained, cleaned, cleared and open during construction. If the above is not complied with, the Borough Engineer or his designee shall stop all clearing and grading on the site until the necessary drainage facilities are completed, or the permit will be revoked and the required bond will be forfeited.
5. Drainage ditches shall be constructed at the toe and top of cut and ahead of fill slopes to divert the surface water to drainage facilities during and after construction.
6. New storm sewers and other facilities and utilities traversing a proposed fill area shall be buried a minimum of three feet from top of pipe to existing grade, or the fill shall be constructed in such area prior to excavating for the installation of said sewers and utilities.
7. The minimum size storm sewer shall be 15 inches in diameter unless a variation in size is approved by the Borough Engineer or his designee.
8. Slopes steeper than two horizontal to one vertical and of more than 15 feet in vertical height shall be separated by a level berm of at least four feet in width at intervals of no more than 15 feet vertically.
A. Cut slopes which are steeper than that specified in Subsection 8., above, shall not require separation by a level berm of at least four feet vertically; provided the following requirements are satisfied:
(1) The material in which the slope is cut is rock.
(2) A written statement, signed and sealed by a professional soils engineer is delivered to the Borough Engineer or his designee stating that the requirement of level berms may be eliminated without creating a condition damaging to the cut face of an excavation or hazardous to adjacent property or lives, or in the alternative, recommending, to the Borough Engineer or his designee a safe, sufficient and appropriate interval for placement of level berets of at least four feet in width.
(3) Having considered the likelihood of a landslide, and protection of adjacent property and lives, the Borough Engineer shall deliver a written statement, signed and sealed, to the Borough concurring in the opinion of the professional soils engineer retained on behalf of the applicant.
9. On slopes of two horizontal to one vertical, or less steep, the four-foot level berms will not be required unless deemed necessary by the Borough Engineer or his designee.
10. Drainage ditches with a grade of 7%, or a velocity of less than seven feet per second, shall be grassed and sloped in such a manner that they can be conveniently cut and maintained.
11. Drainage ditches with a grade of 7% or greater, or a velocity more than seven feet per second, shall be paved with concrete, bituminous mixture, brick, half pipe, rubble or other hard surface material.
12. Drainage structures, storm sewers and appurtenances shall be of proper design and so constructed as to carry surface water and any subsurface water encountered to the nearest practical storm drain or natural watercourse approved by the Borough Engineer or his designee as a safe place to deposit and receive such waters.
13. Approval by the Borough Engineer or his designee shall not relieve the owner of his legal responsibilities to adjacent property owners.
14. If, in the opinion of the Borough Engineer or his designee, the proposed drainage structures, storm sewers and appurtenances are not adequate, he shall require the addition of such facilities as necessary to prevent erosion damage and to satisfactorily carry off both surface waters and subsurface drainage.
(Ord. 965, 10/13/2022)