§ 9-109. Mandatory Inspections and Certification of Completion.
   1.   The Borough Engineer or his designee shall, when requested, make the inspections hereinafter required and shall either approve that portion of the work which has been completed or notify the permit holder wherein the same fails to comply with the provisions of this Part. Where it is found by inspection that the soil or other conditions are not as stated or shown in the application, the Manager may refuse to approve further work until approval is obtained for a revised grading plan conforming to the existing conditions.
   2.   Plans for grading work, approved by the Borough Engineer or his designee, shall be maintained at the site and available for inspection during the progress of the work until final approval is received from the Borough Engineer or his designee.
   3.   The permit holder shall notify the Borough Engineer or his designee in order to obtain inspections in accordance with the following schedule and such notification shall be made by the permit holder at least 24 hours before the inspection is to be made:
      A.   Initial Inspection. When work on the excavation or fill is about to be commenced.
      B.   Rough Grading. When all rough grading has been completed.
      C.   Drainage Facilities. When drainage facilities are to be installed and before such facilities are backfilled.
      D.   Special Structures. When excavations are complete for retaining, crib walls erected, reinforcing steel in place, and before concrete is poured.
      E.   Final Inspection. When all work, including the installation of all drainage and other structures has been completed.
   4.   If, at any stage of the work, the Borough Engineer or his designee shall determine by inspection that the nature of the formation is such that further work as authorized by an existing permit is likely to endanger any public or private property, or streets, or alleys, or create hazardous conditions, the Borough Engineer or his designee may suspend operations. The Borough Engineer or his designee may require, as a condition to allowing the work to continue, that the permit holder take reasonable safety precautions to avoid such likelihood of danger. Safety precautions may include, but shall not be limited to, specifying a flatter exposed slope, construction of additional drainage facilities, beans, terracing, compaction, cribbing or walls.
   5.   The cost for all inspections shall be borne by the owner of the land at rates established by the Borough.
   6.   Upon completion of all grading installation and other work on the permit site to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer or his designee, a certificate of completion shall be issued by said Manager.
(Ord. 965, 10/13/2022)