1. Every applicant for a grading permit shall file a written application therefor with the Borough Engineer or his designee setting forth:
A. A description by reference to a lot number in a recorded lot plan with the page reference of the plan, a lot and block designation from Allegheny County Deed Registry records, a street address or a metes and bounds description of the land containing the site.
B. Plans and specifications submitted in triplicate and prepared by a registered professional engineer or a registered surveyor containing the following:
(1) A contour map on a scale of one inch equal to 50 feet showing the present contours of the land at five-foot intervals and the proposed contours of the land at five-foot intervals after completion of the proposed grading.
(2) A plan showing cross-sections of the proposed, grading at 50 foot intervals showing the method of benching required for grading. A minimum of two crosssections for each separate property in the permit application shall be required.
(3) A plot plan showing the application of the grading, boundaries, neighboring streets and alleys, buildings, trees greater than 15 inches in diameter and taller than two feet, tree clusters and sufficient dimensions and other data to show the location of all work to be accomplished.
(4) Written information describing the type and classification of the soil, fill material, details and location of any proposed drainage structure and pipes, walls and cribbing. The location of any and all public or private utilities, existing drainage pattern, mine openings, capped wells, and other pertinent physical features shall also be provided.
(5) Any and all other information that the Borough Engineer or his designee or Borough Engineer may require to secure compliance with this Part.
(6) The name and seal of the registered professional engineer or the registered surveyor who prepared the plans and specifications, the name of the applicant, the owner of the land, and the date of the application.
C. The estimated dates of starting and completion of the work.
D. The purpose of the proposed work and whether a structure or improvement requiring a permit under the Construction Code [Chapter 5, Part 1] is contemplated.
2. The Borough Engineer or his designee may waive or modify the requirement of any or all plans or specifications listed above if he finds that the information on the application is sufficient that the work will conform to the provisions of this Part.
(Ord. 965, 10/13/2022)