(A)   All rates charged for water supplied by the town shall be and remain a lien upon the buildings and land in connection with which said water shall have been used by the owner or occupant thereof until such rates, interest, shut-off charges and lien fees have been paid; and the Water Commission shall have authority and responsibility to foreclose such liens in the name of the town.
   (B)   Such lien shall not continue to exist for a period longer than one year after said rates become due and payable unless within that period a certificate signed by the First Selectman or his or her designee describing the premises on which such lien exists, the reason on account of which it is claimed, and the amount claimed by the town as a lien shall be filed in the town land records. Any such lien shall cease to exist whenever a certificate discharging the same signed by the First Selectman or his or her designee shall be filed in the town land records.
   (C)   Any such lien shall be discharged by the First Selectman or his or her designee upon payment of such unpaid water rates, interest at 12% per annum upon the unpaid water rates from the date of filing, a shut-off fee (as set forth in division (D) below) and a lien fee, which shall be an amount which is equal to the sum of a $5 administrative fee and the amount charged by the Town Clerk for the recording and release of such lien.
   (D)   The Water Commission shall have the right to shut off water from the premises where the water rates remain unpaid 30 days after date of mailing of bill to the owner or occupant. If so turned off, the water shall not be turned on again without payment of all unpaid rates, interest, lien fees and a shut-off fee in such amount as shall from time to time be established by the Commission, said amount to reasonably reflect the costs incurred in making said shut-off and resumption of service.
(Ord. passed 11-14-1962; Ord. passed 2-6-1975; Ord. passed 3-22-1979)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 8, page 304; TM Volume 12, page 73, Amended; TM Volume 13, page 196, Amended