(A)   (1)   There is imposed a benefit charge upon the owner or owners of property, in any extension area, as from time to time has been or shall be created, when such property abuts a street within which a water main has been laid at the expense of anyone other than the town.
      (2)   The benefit charge shall be due and payable at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or at the time that the Town Water and Sewer Commission supplies water to the distribution main, whichever occurs later.
      (3)   Notice of such benefit charges shall be filed on the land records in the office of the Town Clerk.
   (B)   The rates of benefit charges shall be as follows:
For each such property containing not more than one single-family dwelling, requiring for adequate service a 3/4-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service a 1-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service a 1-1/2-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service a 2-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service a 4-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service a 6-inch pipe from the main
For each such property requiring for adequate service an 8-inch pipe from the main
   (C)   In addition to the foregoing benefit charges, there shall be imposed upon owners of property in any such extension area:
      (1)   Where an additional connection to the water main is made, a charge in accordance with the schedule of rates set out in division (B) above; and
      (2)   Where property previously charged makes such use of the water main that it requires for adequate service a pipe larger than that for which the property was charged, a charge equal to the difference between the previous charge and the rate set out in division (B) above for the larger pipe actually required.
   (D)   An unmetered fire connection shall not be a connection within the meaning of this section.
   (E)   From the time that any connection charge becomes due and payable, it shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum until paid. The connection charge shall, at the time it becomes due and payable, become a lien upon the property. Any such lien shall be liable to be foreclosed in the same manner as if it were a mortgage on such land in favor of the town. The Water and Sewer Commission shall have authority and responsibility to foreclose any such lien in the name of the town.
   (F)   Such liens shall not continue to exist for a period longer than one year after the charge becomes due and payable unless within that period a certificate signed by the First Selectman or his or her designee describing the premises on which such lien exists, the reason on account of which it is claimed, and the amount claimed by the town as a lien shall be filed in the town lands records. Any such lien shall cease to exist whenever a certificate discharging the same signed by the First Selectman or his or her designee shall be filed in the town land records. Such liens shall be discharged by the First Selectman or his or her designee upon payment of such unpaid benefit charges, interest (as set forth in division (E) above) and a lien fee which shall be an amount which is equal to the sum of a $5 administrative fee and the amount charged by the Town Clerk for recording and releasing such lien.
(Ord. passed 3-22-1979; Ord. passed 11-23-1980; Ord. passed 6-1-2004 ; Ord. passed 1-7-2020)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 13, page 198, Amended; TM Volume 14, page 50; TM Volume 22, page 383, Amended