(A)   To permit owners of real property, which property abuts on existing water lines belonging to said town, to connect with and draw water from said lines; provided, however, that each such property owner, applying for such permission, shall enter into an agreement with said town, which agreement shall provide, in addition to such other provisions as the Selectmen may deem necessary, the following:
      (1)   Said property owner shall pay all charges incurred in connecting with said water line and a reasonable amount for the water used by said property owner;
      (2)   Said town shall be relieved of all and any liability or obligation in the event of the failure by said town to furnish water;
      (3)   Said town may terminate said agreement to furnish water upon 30 days’ written notice; and
      (4)   Any authority granted by said Selectmen and all agreements entered into by said Board of Selectmen shall terminate at such time as the said town by ordinance, or otherwise, shall establish a Board of Water Commissioners.
   (B)   The Crescent Beach Association be considered an individual and allowed to connect with the water system for fire hydrants for fire protection only.
   (C)   The Auditor shall make an annual report of the income and expenditures in connection with said water system and that said report shall include the name of each property owner attached to said water line and the amount paid by each property owner attached thereto.
(Res. passed 3-5-1945)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 6, page 8