(a)    Upon approval of the application, the Mayor shall issue a license to the applicant authorizing that person to drive a pedicab or to engage in the business of operating a pedicab company, as the case may be.
   (b)    Pedicab owner/operator licenses shall include the following information:
      (1)    The name of the applicant granted the license;
      (2)    The number of pedicabs the license holder may lawfully operate in the City;
      (3)   A description of each pedicab being licensed by the license holder.
      (4)    The name under which the license holder will conduct business. If issued to a corporation or a partnership, the license shall be issued in the name of the corporation of partnership and the name of the operator or manager of said company.
      (5)    The principal place of business of the license holder.
      (6)   A statement that the license holder is subject to the rules and regulations contained in this chapter.
      (7)    A current decal as defined in Section 774.11.
   (c)    All licenses shall expire one year after the date of issue, unless sooner revoked.
   (d)    All applications for renewal of licenses shall be filed with the Mayor within one month of date of expiration of each year, and renewal licenses shall be issued in the same manner and upon the same conditions as prescribed herein for initial licenses.
   (e)    No new owner/operator license shall be issued for more than one pedicab company unless there is a proven need. City Council may approve the request to make changes to this section if deemed appropriate.
(Ord. 45, 2015.  Passed 9-8-15.)