(a) Owner/Operator License. No person, firm, partnership or corporation shall engage in the business of owning or operating one or more pedicab companies within the City without first procuring or renewing and maintaining in full force and effect a pedicab owner/operator license, which license shall be granted by the Mayor.
(b) Operator's License. No pedicab shall be operated by the driver within the City without first procuring or renewing and maintaining in full force and effect, a pedicab operator's license, which license shall be granted by the Mayor and an operator's license issued by the State of Ohio.
(c) Use of Unlicensed Pedicabs Prohibited. No person as owner/operator of a pedicab company shall permit the operation of, nor shall a taxicab driver operate, an unlicensed pedicab for purposes of conveying passengers or property, for hire, to any destination within the City.
(d) Nothing in this section shall affect the rights of the City to impose or collect any other applicable tax upon the use or operation of a pedicab in addition to the license fee.
(Ord. 45, 2015. Passed 9-8-15.)