For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Operator" means a person who operates a pedicab, including a person who in any manner controls the direction or steering of a pedicab in the City.
(b) "Owner" means a person who owns a pedicab in the City.
(c) "Pedicab" means a pedal-powered public passenger bicycle used to provide transport for hire upon which a person may ride, propelled by human power, and is constructed in such a manner as to allow the carrying of one or more passengers.
(d) "Pedicab Licensee" means a person with a license issued pursuant to this chapter.
(e) "Principal place of business in the City of East Liverpool" means (1) a location where the City may send, and the pedicab licensee shall accept, notices of hearing or other notices from the City; and (2) a location where a pedicab licensee maintains its business and financial records relating to the licenses involved.
(Ord. 45, 2015. Passed 9-8-15.)