The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this Housing Code:
      (1)   "Accessory use" means a use, occupancy or tenancy customarily incidental to the principal use or occupancy of a residential building.  Such accessory uses may include, among others the following:
         (a)   Offices for the building management.
         (b)   Dining rooms, banquet rooms, public kitchens and ballrooms.
         (c)   Recreation and play rooms.
         (d)   Laundries for the use of tenants and occupants, and in connection with the management and operation of a residential building.
         (e)   Maintenance and work shops, storage rooms for linen, bedding, furniture, supplies and tenants' equipment and effects.
         (f)   Rooms or spaces for the incidental sale or display of merchandise to occupants  and tenants, such as newspaper, candy and cigar stands.
         (g)   Garages within a residential building or on the premises thereof used primarily for the storage of passenger-type motor vehicles.
      (2)   "Approved" means approved by the Housing Inspector pursuant to the regulations of this Housing Code or by an authority designated by law or these regulations.
      (3)   "Basement" means a portion of the building partly underground but having less than half its clear height below the average grade of the adjoining ground.
      (4)   "Bathroom" means that enclosed space containing one or more bathtubs or showers, or both, and which may also contain water closets, lavatories, or fixtures serving similar purposes.  See definition of "toilet room."
      (5)   "Board" means the Board of Housing Appeals of the City of East Liverpool.
      (6)   "Building" means a structure wholly or partially enclosed within exterior walls, or within exterior or party walls, and a roof, affording shelter to persons, animals or property.
      (7)   "Cellar" means the portion of the building partly underground, having half or more than half of its clear height below the average grade of the adjoining ground.
      (8)   "Dwellings".
         A.   "One-family dwelling" means a building containing one dwelling unit with not more than five lodgers or boarders.
         B.   "Two-family dwelling" means a building containing two dwelling units with not more than five lodgers or boarders per family but not more than twenty individuals.
         C.   "Multi-family-apartment house" means a building containing more than two dwelling units.
         D.   "Boarding house, lodging house, tourist house" means a building arranged or used for lodging with or without meals, for compensation, for more than five and not more than twenty individuals.
         E.   "Dormitory" means a building arranged or used for lodging six but not more than twenty individuals and having common toilet and bathroom facilities.
         F.   "Hotel" means a building arranged or used for sheltering, sleeping or feeding, for compensation, of more than twenty individuals.
      (9)   "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms arranged for the use of one or more individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, with cooking, living, sanitary and sleeping facilities.
      (10)   "Exit" means a way of departure from the interior of a building or structure to the exterior at street or grade, including doorways, passageways, hallways, corridors, stairways, ramps, fire escapes and all other elements necessary for egress or escape.
      (11)   "Extermination" means the control and elimination of insects, rodents or other pests by eliminating their harborage places, by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food, by poisoning, spraying, fumigating or trapping, by blocking their access to a dwelling, or by any other recognized and legal pest elimination methods.
      (12)   "Family" means a household constituting a single housekeeping unit occupied by one or more persons.
      (13)   "Habitable space" means a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries, pantries, foyers or communicating corridors, closets and storage spaces.
      (14)   "Housing Code" means Title Five of this Part Thirteen - Building Code, and consists of Chapters 1321 through 1343.
      (15)   "Housing Inspector" means the Housing Inspector of the City of East Liverpool or his authorized representatives, appointed pursuant to Chapter 1337 of this Housing Code.
      (16)   "Infestation" means the presence, within or contiguous to a dwelling, dwelling unit, lodging house, lodging unit, or premises, of insects, rodents, vermin or other pests.
      (17)   "Kitchen" means that space, sixty square feet or more in floor area, with a minimum width of five feet, used for cooking or preparation of food.
      (18)   "Kitchenette" means that space, less than sixty square feet in floor area, used for cooking or preparation of food.
      (19)   "Lodging or rooming house" means any residence building, or any part thereof, containing one or more rooming units, in which space is let by the owner or operator to more than five persons, who are not members of the family.
      (20)   "Lodging or rooming unit" means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking and eating purposes.
      (21)   "Mixed occupancy" means occupancy of a building in part for residential use and in part for some other use not accessory thereto.
      (22)   "Nonhabitable space" means that space used as kitchenettes, pantries, bath, toilet, laundry, rest, dressing, locker, storage, utility, heater and boiler rooms, closets and other spaces for service and maintenance of the building, and those spaces used for access and vertical travel between stories.  See definitions of "habitable space", "public space" and "exit."
      (23)   "Occupant" means a person living, sleeping, cooking or eating in or having possession or use of a dwelling unit  or rooming unit.
      (24)   "Operator" means a legally responsible person who has charge, care or control of a building or part thereof in which dwelling units or rooming units are leased or let.
      (25)   "Owner" means a legally responsible person who, alone or jointly or severally with others:
         A.   Shall have legal title to any dwelling with or without actual possession thereof; or
         B.   Shall have charge, care or control of any dwelling as owner or agent of the owner, or as executor, executrix, administrator, administratrix, trustee or guardian of the estate of the owner.  Any such person thus representing the owner shall be bound to comply with the provisions of this Housing Code to the same extent as if he were the owner.
      (26)   "Plumbing" means all of the following supplied facilities and equipment: water pipes, mechanical garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers and clothes washing machines, lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, catch basins, drains, vents and any other similar supplied fixtures, including all connections to water or sewer lines.
      (27)   "Potable water" means water which is approved for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes.
      (28)   "Public space" means that space within a residential building for public use, such as lobbies, lounges, reception, ball, meeting, lecture and recreation rooms, banquet and dining rooms and their kitchens and swimming pools.
      (29)   "Burnable rubbish" means combustible waste material, except garbage, but including paper, rags, cartons and boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches and yard trimmings.
      (30)   "Nonburnable rubbish" means all noncombustible waste materials such as ashes, glass, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, ceramics and junk.
      (31)   "Sewage" means liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution and which may include industrial wastes and liquids containing chemicals.
      (32)   "Structure" means an assembly of materials forming a construction framed of component structural parts for occupancy or use, including buildings.
      (33)   "Toilet room" means that enclosed space, containing one or more water closets, which may also contain one or more lavatories, urinals and other plumbing fixtures.  See definition of "bathroom".
      (34)   "Ventilation" means the supply and removal of air to and from a space by natural or mechanical means.
      (35)   Meaning of certain words.  Whenever the words "dwelling unit", "lodging unit" or "premises" are used in this Housing Code, they shall be construed to include the plural of these words and be so interpreted as if they were followed by the words "or any part thereof."
         (Ord. 59, 1969.)