It shall be unlawful:
   A.   For any person to dump or dispose of garbage, refuse, or waste material into any garbage container not assigned to that person.
   B.   For any person to dump garbage or other refuse into any City owned garbage container located in public areas, except by those persons actually using the facilities of such public area for the disposal of garbage, refuse, or waste material generated at that public facility.
   C.   To dispose of, place or deposit within the City limits any ashes, garbage, trash or any other kind of rubbish generated, created or originated outside of the boundaries of the City limits. The City is not responsible for collecting any ashes, garbage, trash or any other kind of rubbish generated, created or originated outside of the boundaries of the City limits. This prohibition against the depositing of ashes, garbage, trash or any other kind of rubbish generated, created or originated outside of the boundaries of the City limits applies regardless of landowner permission and all ordinances shall be interpreted to include such a prohibition regardless of landowner consent. This prohibition does not apply to minor amounts of ashes, garbage, trash or rubbish which may have originated outside of the City limits but are deposited infrequently and incidentally to the use of a property within the City limits by an owner, or the owner's lessees, invitees and guests. An example of minor, incidental use includes, without limitation, the cleaning out of trash from a vehicle which may have accumulated incidentally from a trip outside of the City limits. (Ord. 262, 8-1-2017)