(A)   Any permanent sign legally existing at the time of adoption of these regulations which does not comply with all provisions shall be considered a non-conforming sign and may be permitted to continue if the sign is properly maintained and not detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
   (B)   Nothing shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any portion of a permanent sign declared unsafe by the Director of Public Works. The cost of improvements to these signs shall not exceed 50% of the current market value of the existing sign structure. Planned improvements exceeding this amount shall be required to conform to the current sign requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   Subject to exceptions and amortization requirements below, any non-conforming signs may be continued in operation and maintained after the effective date of these regulations provided that the signs shall not be:
      (1)   Structurally altered so as to extend their useful life;
      (2)   Expanded;
      (3)   Relocated;
      (4)   Re-established after damage of more than 50% of the value at the time of the damage or destruction; or
      (5)   Modified in any way that would increase the degree of non-conformity.
   (D)   Once obsolete, as specified in § 8.23(B), the nonconforming status of a sign shall end.
   (E)   All portable signs, except those specifically permitted by these regulations, shall be removed in accordance with the provisions of § 8.23(A)(3).
   (F)   Any temporary sign existing at the time of adoption of these regulations which does not comply with all provisions shall not be considered non-conforming and shall be subject to immediate removal by the Director of Public Works.
   (G)   Any illegal signs that exist on the effective date of these regulations shall be removed upon the effective date of this chapter and may be replaced by signs that meet the requirements of this chapter. A permit shall be obtained, if required by this chapter.
(Ord. effective 5-26-2017)