(A) Removal.
(1) The Director of Public Works may order the removal of any permanent sign and its supporting structure that violates the provisions of this chapter. The Director of Public Works shall give 30 days’ notice in writing to the owner of the sign and its supporting structure requiring him or her to bring it into compliance within 60 days. Any sign of a temporary nature shall require written notice of only three days.
(2) After notification, if not removed by the owner, the city may remove the sign and its supporting structure, or remove the sign without notice if the Director of Public Works determines that the sign and its supporting structure presents an immediate safety threat. The cost of removal by the city shall be assessed against the owner of the sign or the owner of the building, structure or premises in the manner provided by law.
(3) Any portable sign, except as otherwise permitted by this chapter, shall be removed within 30 days from the effective date of this chapter. The City Commission may extend the date for removal up to an additional 30 days if the owner is unable to comply with this time period due to conditions beyond his or her control.
(B) Obsolete signs.
(1) A sign and sign structure conforming to the other provisions of this chapter may remain in place up to 30 days from the date of its obsolescence if the sign area is obscured by the use of a blank panel attached within the frame of the sign.
(2) This removal requirement for a sign and sign structure that conforms to this chapter shall not apply if a successor to an inactive business agrees within 30 days of the date of written notice by the Director of Public Works, to maintain the sign as provided for by this chapter.
(C) Costs of enforcement. Any costs or expenses incurred by the city in enforcing these regulations shall be paid by the owner of the sign found to be in violation, or, upon default thereof, by the owner of the property. In either case, the responsible party shall be billed for those costs and expenses in the manner permitted by law.
(Ord. effective 5-26-2017)