(a) The following communicable diseases of animals shall be reported to the Health Commissioner immediately upon the recognition of such disease by the owner, attending veterinarian or person having the diseased animal in his or her possession or control: actinomycosis; anthrax; glanders; rabies (hydrophobia); Texas fever and tuberculosis.
(b) No person shall bring into the city, sell or offer for sale any animal having a communicable disease or which has been exposed to or which is liable to carry infection from a communicable disease.
(c) Every veterinarian or other person attending a case of communicable disease in any animal shall, within 12 hours after the recognition of such disease, report the same to the County Department of Health, giving the name of the owner and his or her place of residence.
(d) Any person having knowledge of the existence of a case of communicable disease of any animal which has not been reported shall, within 12 hours after the discovery of the existence of such communicable disease, report the same to the County Department of Health.
(e) The Department of Health, upon obtaining information as to the existence of a communicable disease of any animal, shall, under the direction of the Health Commissioner, supervise the destruction, removal or isolation of the animal having such disease. All costs resulting from such isolation shall be paid by the owner.
Penalty, see § 505.99